What is Standard Dissertation Layout Used in UK Universities

Just like that our education system also work in an order like we first complete our school then transfer to college and then pass and move to university. As it is the part of life to move step by step because it will look out of order if we first get admitted to university and then come down to college and at the end to school. These little things add order to life which is necessary for everyone. Everything looks good while moving in a stream. But that same thing looks bad if you change the order of thing as they should be included. Same thing happens when we are assigned with some written work like dissertation.

 Dissertations are basically our final projects which add extra marks to our particular subject they belong to. These extra marks help us get degree with flying colours. Dissertations have their own way to write them. Well they are the lengthy stuff but so much important in a student life. Students somehow afraid while submitting their dissertations to their teachers due to many problems but one thing that they should keep in their mind is if they don’t get enough marks on the topic of their dissertation then they should concentrate on the layout of it as it will be marked too.

Every university has its own dissertation layout and students should provide extra care and time to understand the steps which should be taken while designing a dissertation. Well starting from beginning a good dissertation layout in UK University includes a title page in which you have to write the title of dissertation, table of content and formal notices like declaration of originality, confirmation of ethics clearance, acknowledgement and technical stuff. 

Then you need to add abstract in which you have to provide a short summary about the dissertation you are going to write. Then, moves to the main body which starts under the introduction heading, to give the beginning to your dissertation. It may be narrative, academic, historic, questions to be answered or outline of your dissertation. Then you need to add dissertation proposal and literature review to it in which you need to tell your reader about previous work on the topic along with some information on the work which come later. Then you need to add method in which you have tells the writer about how you choose design and execute the research. 

Now you need to add results and findings in which you have to write about your research with results like graphs and others. Now add discussion to your layout it is the heart of your dissertation and this is the place where you need to tie your research and hypothesis or questions. After that it needs a conclusion in which you have to tell your reader that what you can say about your title. And the last but not least don’t forget to add references to your dissertation as somehow they are the proof of your research work. In short keep your work simple while following the layout as it will be good for the reader to understand what you want to tell him.
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